Saturday, September 21, 2019

Third Set of Figures Essay Example for Free

Third Set of Figures Essay Participant Ds errors are the following: The first is with regard to the use of has or have: Mr. Browns have two sons. Second error pertains to the use of verb tenses wherein difference between past and present tenses are appears to be unknown to the participant: They’re call Tom and John; and Tom like reads in the holiday. Participant E has problems in terms of using conjunctions such as: Tom and John they are the twin brothers . In addition with this, there is also an error in terms of using articles: Tom he is a good student, he is a first in his class . Also, there is a problem in terms of the participants spelling: but he dent play ball. Finally, there is also a problem in terms of using punctuations such as the apostrophe: but he dont study, they are special. Participant Fs first problem is with regard to the use of the singular or plural use of auxilliary verbs: Tom and John is brother. Second, is the problem with regard to the use of prepositions such as: They are different have surface; and . Elder brother like study, but younger brother like play basketball†. The third set of figures is a phone conversation among two boys depicting a planned trip to a restaurant and a KTV bar (see Appendix 3 to view the instrument). Participant G: â€Å"At eight oclock , Sams friend calling him up to inviting him out . According to their plan . On the first ,they are going to sing at a KTV . then they going to eat a dinner at a fast food restaurant . They eat fast food ,such as hamburgers ,cola and fries. † Participant H: â€Å"Today morning, Sam’s friend call he go to play. Sam and his friend talk on the phone at a. m. 8:00. Sam said he want go to KTV sing and we can eat dinner in night. But his friend said not eat breakfast. So Sam propose to meet in BigMaclndex Then go to play†. Participant Gs first error could be seen on the proper use of verb tenses: friend calling him up to inviting him out; and They eat fast food . There are also problems in terms of their use of articles: then they going to eat a dinner . On the other hand hand, Participant H also have problems in terms of prepositions: Today morning and Sam and his friend talk on the phone . There are also problems in terms of using articles: Sam said he want go to KTV. There are also problems in terms of using proper verb tenses: So Sam propose to meet in BigMaclndex The fourth set of figures depicts a family composed of a mother, a father and a little boy who went out to eat in a pastry shop. After which, the boy went to a store called W. C. and his mother and father went to the supermarket. The final figure on the set depicts of how well the boy enjoyed his stay on a store called W. C. while his parents listen appears to be listening to his stories while carrying a bag of groceries. Participant I: â€Å"Last Friday, I with my parents want to the big shopping mall to go shopping . First , we bought some milk and read in the basement . then we took the elevator to the second floor . I went to w. c , my parents were wait outside . Finally we bought some fruit and vegetables and we were go home. â€Å" Participant J: â€Å"I went to supermarket with my Dad and Mom last Friday. Maybe was holiday supermarket crowd campany. I with my Dad and Mom choose my breakfast last Saturday. Mom bought two baker and one milk for me. I went to W. C. before away. Aftermost we bought a lot article then get home. † Participant Is errors are with regard to spelling: I with my parents want to the big shopping mall There are also problems in terms of capitalizations: First , we bought some milk and read in the basement   then we took the elevator to the second floor. Errors in terms of the use of linking verbs are seen: I went to w. c , my parents were wait outside. Finally, there are still errors in terms of the verb tenses: Finally we bought some fruit and vegetables and we were go home. Participant Js errors are on the lack of use of pronouns: Maybe was holiday supermarket crowd campany. Also there is a perceived problem in terms of using appropriate nouns for a sentence: Mom bought two baker and one milk for me.

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